Seminar on Physical Rehabilitation Protocols for Amputees held at Rehab Initiative Islamabad

O&P ClinicsNewsAugust 13, 2021

Physical rehabilutation of amputees is a multidisciplinary team task. It starts from pre operative managment and goes all the way to rehabilitation and reintegration of the person into soceity. However most of the time there are missing links in all this procedure. Surgeons at times perform amputations to save live and/or avoid complications and then the patient is discharged to home and the post surgical and pre prosthetic rehabilitation stages are missrd. The patient if got lucky will know about prosthetic rehabilitation facility from someone in the following months or even years. This lead to delay in physical rehabilitation and also complications in the residual limb.Additionally it is very important for surgeons to perform amputation in such a way that the residual limb is at optimum level, shape, condition and strength for prosthetic fitting.

So in order to bridge all the missing links, remind and convey the rehabilitation protocols and develop liason between Ortho surgeons and other rehab professionals specially PnOs and PTs, one day seminar was organized on 13th August by International Committee of the Red Cross Pakistan for Orthopedic Surgeons of Holy Family Hospital and BBH Rawalpindi at Rehab Initiative Islamabad.

The participants were happy to be part of such seminar and urged for more seminars related to physical rehabilitation and post surgical Prosthetic and orthotic interventions.

(Courtesy : Rehab Initiative , Mr. Abdul Nasir ICRC )

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