Peshawar, Pakistan: In a groundbreaking initiative, the Paraplegic Centre Peshawar has announced the provision of advanced prosthetic services for free under the Sehat Card program. This new service aims to revolutionize the lives of patients suffering from spinal cord injuries, polio, and limb loss by providing them with high-quality artificial limbs and orthotic devices.
The Paraplegic Centre, which has long been a pioneer in rehabilitation and mobility solutions, will now cater to patients with the support of the Sehat Card—a health insurance program initiated by the government to make essential medical services accessible to all.
Patients can now avail themselves of cutting-edge prosthetic limbs, orthotic braces, dynamic splints, and other mobility aids at no cost. The center is equipped with advanced technologies and professional expertise to provide customized solutions that enhance mobility and improve the quality of life for those in need.
The Paraplegic Centre Peshawar has been a beacon of hope for individuals with mobility challenges. With the addition of this new service, it continues its mission of supporting the disabled community, particularly those affected by spinal cord injuries and polio, by ensuring free and quality healthcare access.
Eligible individuals can use their Sehat Card to access these services. The process is simple and streamlined, making it easier for patients and their families to receive timely support.
This initiative is expected to have a significant impact on the lives of thousands of individuals, empowering them to lead independent and fulfilling lives.
For More Information:
Visit the Paraplegic Centre’s official website or contact them at (091) 9217902 for further details.