ICRC and Pakistan Rehabilitation Programme Empower Persons with Disabilities through Local Ownership and Holistic Support

LatestO&P Organizational newsSeptember 23, 2024

Pakistan has achieved significant progress in providing essential rehabilitation services for individuals with physical disabilities, driven by a partnership between the Pakistan Rehabilitation Programme (PRP) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). According to the ICRC Physical Rehabilitation Report 2023, a network of 15 rehabilitation centers across the country, managed by eight partner organizations, offers vital support to disabled communities, ensuring accessible care and long-term assistance.

The PRP has been instrumental in maintaining the operations of these centers, which play a critical role in addressing the needs of individuals requiring rehabilitation. As part of the initiative to promote local ownership and sustainability, by the end of 2023, four centers had been successfully handed over to local partner organizations. This transition is a reflection of PRP’s ongoing efforts to empower local stakeholders, gradually reducing its support. By 2024, the PRP will continue to oversee just 11 centers, marking a major step forward in the creation of self-sustaining rehabilitation services.

In addition to physical rehabilitation, the PRP and ICRC have focused on improving economic opportunities for persons with disabilities. Two career development workshops held in Peshawar and Muzaffarabad saw the participation of 27 individuals, equipping them with essential job market skills and strategies for securing meaningful employment. Of these, nine participants received training in basic business management, with seven individuals awarded productive grants to help establish small businesses, fostering economic independence.

Furthering the mission to promote inclusion, the PRP, in collaboration with the University of Peshawar and the Muzaffarabad Physical Rehabilitation Centre, organized a series of community events. These included sporting competitions, a panel discussion on inclusive education, and public awareness campaigns, drawing 520 participants. These efforts underscored the shared commitment to creating an inclusive, barrier-free society where persons with disabilities are empowered to fully engage in and contribute to their communities.

The ICRC Physical Rehabilitation Report 2023 highlights the ongoing efforts to strengthen rehabilitation services in Pakistan, while emphasizing the importance of local ownership and holistic support for persons with disabilities.

Download Report : https://shop.icrc.org/physical-rehabilitation-programme-2023-annual-report-pdf-en.html
Image Courtesy : ICRC

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